Games from Festival

Caissa Chess Shop
Caissa Pol Tour
Festival Homepage: Chess Festival - Memorial of Emanuel Lasker
Information about Caissa PolTour | Visit Caissa Chess Shop
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Time Table - XV Memorial of Emanuel Lasker

01.0610:00 - 20:00 - Arrival and lodging of players.
02.06Arrival and lodging of players. Applications to 11:00
15:00 - Opening Ceremony,
16:00 - I round.
03.0616:00 - II round
04.0616:00 - III round
05.0616:00 - IV round
06.0616:00 - V round
07.06 10:00 - VI round (Open A)
16:00 - VII round (Open A) VI round (Open B, C)
08.06 16:00 - VIII round (Open A) VII round (Open B, C)
09.06 10:00 - Open D - Blitz chess tournament
16:00 - IX round (Open A) VIII round (Open B, C)
10.06 10:00 - X round (Open A) IX round (Open B, C)
15:00 - Closing Ceremony
11.06International Chess Festival in Mysliborz - a Caissa Pol Tour 2007 tournament. Organizer guarantee transport.